"To be a leading institution that fosters academic excellence,
character development, and innovative thinking, preparing students to thrive in a dynamic and ever-changing world."
offer a wide range of courses across various subjects to provide a comprehensive education.
Mathematics, English Language, Science{ Physics Chemistry Biology} Social Studies{ History Geography Civics or Government}
Foreign Languages French Spanish German Information Technology Arts Visual Arts Music Drama Physical Education Home Economics Technical and Vocational Education Woodwork Metalwork Electronics Auto Mechanics
Religious Studies Agricultural Science Entrepreneurship Health Education Literature in English Economics Further Sciences Advanced Physics Advanced Chemistry Advanced Biology Business Studies Accounting Commerce Business Management
Meet some of our top officials, from dearly esteemed Priest | to Brother Mario | and dearly beloved Principal...
At Dominican College, we have the smart and best learning environment to trigger the best in your kids!
The Dominican Legacy is building the mind...The fertilizers for a great mind are great books...So as to ensure a proper transitioning of generational wisdom and insights...Alongside staying updated with currents trends...
In Dominican, We preach Knowledge and Morality, hence the need for a balanced Body and Mind...We have different indoors and outdoors gaming facilities...from BasketBall, football, Tennis, Ludo, Scrabbles...
We repect our students, and would want thier honest opinion about the school, managemnet and facilities...
At Dominican, we are treated as a family, our strengths - refined and our weakness sharpened into skills.... We are trained to Believe in God and to act our faith.
Education is not all for the modern day society... my colleagues and I were groomed into Spiritual students of faith and academical giants